Your voice can spur the beginning of the end of the school-to-prison pipeline.
The Keeping All Students Safe Act (S.1750 / H.R. 3470)
The Keeping All Students Safe Act (KASSA) (S.1750 / H.R. 3470) will protect all students in federally funded schools from the harsh and dangerous practices of seclusion and restraint. Research shows these practices are used thousands of times per school day nationwide and cause thousands of injuries to students and staff members each year. Furthermore, seclusion and restraint are applied to Black and Brown students and students with disabilities at alarmingly higher rates. Despite the mounting research showing the emotional, psychological, and physical harm caused by seclusion and restraint there is no federal law regulating or prohibiting the practices in schools. Restraint and seclusion do not enhance safety, are not therapeutic, and are crisis management (not crisis prevention) strategies. Your federal representatives need to hear from you so they know where their constituents stand on these obsolete, harmful practices. There is no such thing as “trauma-informed” restraint and seclusion. Feel free to modify the message below and make sure your voice is heard!