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An Act relating to residential psychiatric treatment centers; and providing for an effective date (HB 366/ SB 231)
HB 366/ SB 231 aims to reform residential psychiatric treatment for youths in Alaska by adding protections for patients and providing additional oversight of locked facilities where children often spend months or years. This bill would ensure a weekly opportunity for confidential video communication between children and their parents or guardians, require unannounced inspections of facilities by state health care licensing authorities twice a year, with inspectors interviewing at least 50% of minor patients being treated. The facilities would also be required to report uses of physical and chemical restraint or seclusion to the state and to parents or guardians within a day of the incident. This bill would provide critical protection and oversight of care for our most vulnerable children who are placed in residential psychiatric treatment centers.
Send your legislators a message showing support for this bill. Personalizing your message increases its impact!