Your voice can spur the beginning of the end of the school-to-prison pipeline.
The Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act 2023 (H.R. 6202 / S. 3214)
The Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act (H.R. 6202 / S. 3214) would invest in safe and nurturing learning environments for all students and reduce the over-policing of our nation’s schools. Research shows that counselors, social workers, psychologists and other trained support personnel significantly improve social and educational outcomes for kids in schools. Research also shows that the presence of police in schools often leads to the criminalization and pushout of students, particularly Black, Brown and Latino students. This bill would prohibit the use of federal funds from being used to hire or maintain police in K-12 schools and provide a $5 billion in grant funding to support the hiring of counselors, social workers, and other behavioral health personnel and to implement programs that promote positive and safe learning environments for all students. Your federal representatives need to hear from you so they know where their constituents stand on police in schools. Feel free to modify the message below and make sure your voice is heard!