Your voice can spur the beginning of the end of the school-to-prison pipeline.
Protecting Our Students in Schools Act (H.R. 3596 / S.1762)
The Protecting Our Students in Schools Act (H.R. 3596 / S.1762) will protect all students in federally funded schools from corporal punishment, which is the act of inflicting pain for the purpose of discipline. Corporal punishment includes striking, spanking, and paddling, and other forms of violence. Despite the mounting research showing the significant physical, psychological, and emotional harm caused by this practice, nearly 70,000 students (K-12 grade) were subject to corporal punishment in schools during the 2017-18 academic year (the last year for which federal data are available). Furthermore, corporal punishment disproportionately impacts Black and Brown students and students with disabilities. Corporal punishment is banned in day care programs, mental health facilities, and military training facilities. Now is the time to end this archaic and obsolete practice in all federally funded schools. Your federal representatives need to hear from you so they know where their constituents stand on corporal punishment in schools. Feel free to modify the message below and make sure your voice is heard!