The Lives in the Balance online survey of parenting during the pandemic included 1022 parents of kids between the ages of 3-17 years, and was conducted in November, 2020. In terms of race/ethnicity, 68% of the parents identified as White, 13% as Black, and 13% as Hispanic. The vast majority of respondents were mothers. Our findings are detailed here.
“My kids are sick of each other, and I'm sick of the constant fighting with each other and fighting over me. Nothing I try seems to help. I don't know how to help her deal with all of these big emotions and get all of her anger out in a more productive way.”

Parents are struggling—fear children are regressing, becoming more challenging and not getting the resources they need.

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020 (n=1022)
Q9. Thinking about your child/children during this Pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC ONE OR MORE OF MY CHILDREN …
“Somedays I don't want to wake up, and when I'm at work, I don't always want to go home, because I know how awful things are at home, and I feel totally inadequate to make anything better for them anymore. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way. I can see any opportunity for a positive outcome future disappearing, and I see them suffering, and my heart breaks, and bears the burden of feeling like I haven't protected them, or given them what they need to thrive and succeed.”
Parents of behaviorally challenged kids are deeply stressed—children are challenging, withdrawn and regressing emotionally and educationally.

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020 (Parents of Children with behavioral issues n=663, parents of children without disabilities n=359)
Q9. Thinking about your child/children during this Pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC ONE OR MORE OF MY CHILDREN …
“This sounds terrible but I'm not sure I would have had children if I had known parenting was this challenging.”
Parents are stressed, burnt out, alone and feeling overburdened.

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020 (n=1022)
Q10. Thinking about your parenting during this pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC…
“I feel scared and hopeless. All of our mental health has declined. I worry that my teens are depressed. Our relationship has deteriorated as I am always saying no to the things they use to be able to do (hang with Peers)”
Parents of kids with behavioral challenges are much more negative about their pandemic parenting experience—they’re emotionally struggling

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020 Parents of Children with behavioral issues n=663, parents of children without disabilities n=359)
Q10. Thinking about your parenting during this pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC…
“My kids are getting ready to apply to colleges and their grades have tanked this year due to the virtual learning environment and other emotional health demands of the pandemic. It has left them feeling very discouraged about their future.”
Parents are stressed and have lowered their expectations for their children.

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020
Q11. Thinking about your personal feelings during this pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC…
“I feel for the teachers, but I am helping do part of their job and no one is helping me do my other full time job. I feel like I have taken on everything, and I'm exhausted, low on patience, and close to burning out completely.”
Parents of behaviorally challenged kids are lowering standards and feeling the stress more than other parents.

Source: Parenting in a Pandemic, Rocket Camp November 2020 Parents of Children with behavioral issues n=663, parents of children without disabilities n=359)
Q11. Thinking about your personal feelings during this pandemic, please indicate the degree to which you agree with each statement.DURING THE PANDEMIC…
“It is very difficult to balance the demands of my job with the demands of taking care of young children. I would be helpful if my employer could be understanding that I sometimes need flexibility in hours, deadlines, etc.”