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New Hampshire: AN ACT relative to out-of-home placements for children (SB 417-FN)
SB 417-FN aims to revise the criteria for out-of-home placement of children by presuming an in-state placement is the less restrictive and most appropriate placement. The court would only order an out-of-state placement if the facility offered specialized services that are unable to be provided within New Hampshire, and the placement is contracted by the state. Preference would then be given to out-of-state placements that are in proximity to the child’s family and/or kin. Any out-of-state placements would be limited in time, and require increased judicial oversight. The bill also states that the welfare of the child is the primary factor to be considered when determining if a parent is fit to parent a child. Lastly, the bill identifies the factors to be considered when determining if a parent is fit to perform his or her parental duties. This bill is in response to numerous reports of significant mistreatment of youth in out-of-state facilities. Now is the time to provide the protection and care that our most vulnerable children need and deserve. Send an email to your state legislators to let them know where you stand on the issue! Personalizing the message increases its impact.