Your voice can spur the beginning of the end of the school-to-prison pipeline.
Missouri: ( HB 1899) The School Suspension Act
There is a growing body of research showing the long-term harm caused by school suspensions. For example, students who experience suspensions are less likely to graduate from high school and more likely to be incarcerated as adults. Research also reveals Black and brown students and students with disabilities are suspended at a higher rate. According to Missouri state data, there were 1,014 in-school suspensions lasting 10 or more days and 10,675 out-of-school suspensions in 2018-19. Also in Missouri, Black secondary students experienced 198 days of out-of-school suspensions which was 162 more days than white students in 2020, according to the Center of Civil Rights Remedies at the UCLA Civil Rights Project. This bill would prohibit suspension for students in preschool to 3rd grade, increase suspension reporting requirements, strengthen data collection, and require school boards to consider alternative methods to suspension. Send the email below to let your state legislators know where you stand on this issue! (Personalizing the message increases its impact.)
Bill Text: HOUSE BILL NO. 1899